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Automating offshore wind

Beam is a leading deep technology company, using AI and autonomy on robotic ships and underwater robots to service offshore wind farms. Beam is empowering the global energy transition by delivering cutting edge automation that provides immediate time and cost savings across all lifecycle stages of a wind farm.

offshore wind solutions

We use advanced AI, automation and machine learning to help speed up the development, deployment and maintenance of offshore wind farms, while also assisting the clean-up and decommissioning of older infrastructure. Through the development and incorporation of perception, data and autonomy technology, we are transforming how data for critical decision making is captured and interpreted.

Surveying Technologies

Efficiency through technology

Our deployment of technology, including the latest remote and uncrewed survey technologies, coupled with automated all-electric ROVs, enables optimal efficiency across operations whilst also lowering emissions.

Our advanced multipurpose vessels are designed for consistent, industry-leading data capture and reporting, and are differentiated by technology and equipment to offer synergistic working and flexibility of sensor deployment.

Specialist Skills

A breadth
of capabilities

Our specialist skills and knowhow have been hard-earned through challenging projects in the harshest environments. This has deepened our understanding of what technology is truly capable of, enabling us to deliver exceptional insights with speed and efficiency.

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