Debris clearance

We deploy the most powerful ROVs on the market, equipped with the very latest technology and tooling to efficiently remove any debris that may interfere with your decommissioning operations.

Safe, precise and efficient

A diverse range of efficient and reliable pre and post-decommissioning debris removal solutions, prioritising safety, precision and efficiency.

Debris removal

We use our unique technologies to identify and categorise subsea debris. Our experienced team will assess its nature and potential impact, before conducting a comprehensive desktop study to determine the optimal removal strategy, if required.

A detailed task plan and procedure is put into place, leveraging our large fleet of equipment, tooling and technology, which can be tailored to meet specific client requirements.


We offer an extensive range of equipment, tooling and technology, featuring:

  • Subsea Grabs, Orange peel grabs – 10T or 5T
  • Pipe recovery tools
  • Air lift bags
  • Diamond wire saws / subsea chop saws
  • Pipe cutters
  • Abrasive water jet cutting
  • Linear Actuator override tools (LAOT)
  • Lock open tool (LOT) 17D interface Class 1-4
  • Torque tool, 17D Class 5 Torque tool
  • Dredgers – Both ROV mountable or surface powered
  • ROV cutters – Anvil Softline, Wire rope
  • Subsea baskets

A breadth of capabilities

Our specialist skills and knowhow have been hard-earned through challenging projects in the harshest environments. This has deepened our understanding of what technology is truly capable of, enabling us to deliver exceptional insights with speed and efficiency.


Explore our collection of specification sheets and brochures to gain a deeper understanding of our technology and the services we provide. Download now to discover how our expertise can support your needs and drive your success.

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