Shallow geotechnical survey

Geotechnical solutions designed to assess and monitor near-surface seabed conditions.

Eradicate costly surprises

We provide a comprehensive range of geotechnical solutions, which complement all geophysical, geotechnical, and environmental survey site investigations.

A comprehensive range of geotechnical solutions

To provide further understanding of the composition of sediments at and below the seabed, geotechnical sampling is undertaken. Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) provides in-situ measurements of a soil’s properties, while a vibrocorer is used to provide physical sediment samples that can be analysed in further detail.

Geotechnical analysis supports ground-truthing of geophysical data, providing greater certainty of physical seabed properties across the survey area. Running geotechnical operations alongside hydrographic survey, geophysical survey and other work packages improves value through fewer mobilisations and acquisition synergies.

We perform seabed mapping from nearshore and hazardous shallow water to deep water environments, using a range of hydrographic surveying methodologies including multibeam bathymetry, side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, 2D-UHR and magnetometry surveys.

Our added value

  • A dedicated DP2 survey vessel, the Glomar Supporter, with two A-frames for co-located geotechnical sampling.
  • Close partnerships with experienced sub-contractors to bring our clients deep expertise.
  • A single point of contact managing all sub-contractors, ensuring consistency and timeliness of reporting.
  • Geophysical and geotechnical teams working in close collaboration, ensuring cross-pollination of data and consistency across all reporting.

A breadth of capabilities

Our specialist skills and knowhow have been hard-earned through challenging projects in the harshest environments. This has deepened our understanding of what technology is truly capable of, enabling us to deliver exceptional insights with speed and efficiency.


Explore our collection of specification sheets and brochures to gain a deeper understanding of our technology and the services we provide. Download now to discover how our expertise can support your needs and drive your success.

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